Documents News
Instructions for developing the land-surveying and planning projects(Russian version)
The list of baseline data of project planning(Russian version)
The composition of project planning and project survey area(Russian version)
The task for the project and working documentation(Sample)(Russian version)
The task for the space-planning solutions(Sample)(Russian version)
The task for the technology section(Sample)(Russian version)
The task for the design-project facilities(Sample)(Russian version)
Task of the reconstruction project(Russian version)
Task of the new building project(Russian version)
Task of the planning and land-surveying projects(Russian version)
Task of the three-dimensional model in the planning project(Russian version)
Task of the attic storey reconstruction(Russian version)
Task of the interior and entrance projects(Russian version)
Initial information for land-surveying project(Russian version)
Initial information for planning project(Russian version)
Initial information for preservation of the environment(Russian version)
Initial information for the project of the organization of construction(Russian version)
Initial information for the project of a lay-out and land-surveying territories(Russian version)
The list of the architecture or interior project(Russian version)
The list of the documentation for delivery in Committee of Town-planning and Architecture(Russian version)
Water code(Russian version)
Price on planning project(Russian version)
Price on planning project from "GAIP"(Russian version)

Monitor implementation in 2010-2011. of the project planning and surveying project within the area limited by the Primorsky highway Pioneer st., Soviet per. Detskoy Str. Ekipajnoy street., Tihoy street. Detskim per. in the village Ushkovo in the resort area of St. Petersburg on September 5th, successfully held a public hearing and give its conclusion on the results of the public hearing.

The works on the concept of the production area at St. Petersburg, Nevsky district, Sedova street, 7. The work is done and delivered to the customer.

On ongoing project planning and project surveying the territory bounded Moscow Avenue, embankment of Obvodny canal, right of way line of the Baltic Oktyabrskaya railway, Blagodatnaya st., in the Moscow region, a committee on town planning and architecture is proof the Government of St. Petersburg to amend the resolution of the Government of St. Petersburg of 17.07.2007 № 864. On the basis of this decision is made proofreading project materials. At the end of July 2011 were successfully conducted public hearings, the results of which were released Government Decision on the approval of the project plan.

By October Railway together with "K-7" are held meetings to optimize costs for the building of a corporate university "DCNTI". Decisions aimed at reducing the number of stories from seven to two or three floors, reducing the construction of the building, the selection of two phases of construction with the subsequent possibility of the building superstructure.

Conducted by JSC "Russian Railways" meeting on implementation of design solutions and construction of the building of a corporate university "DCNTI" determine actual funding limits the object was much smaller in relation to the planned. Before the final decision on funding for the project and preparatory construction work on the building of a corporate university "DCNTI" suspended.

An agreement with the traffic police on three-dimensional solution of building a corporate university "DCNTI" was obtained. Customer: JSC "Russian Railways".

A town planning agreement with KGA for three-dimensional solution of building a corporate university "DCNTI" was obtained. Customer: JSC "Russian Railways".

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ООО "К-7", 2013.